Nov 13, 2023
Kaast offers Bodor fiber laser cutting systems
Kaast offers the Bodor fiber laser cutting system for processing a variety of
Kaast offers the Bodor fiber laser cutting system for processing a variety of metals of different thicknesses. The protective enclosure with shuttle table provides for safety and increased productivity. An automatic focusing head and exhaust system are included.
The P3015 fiber laser cutter features a cast-iron base paired with 10-sec.-exchange, 5- by 10-ft. shuttle tables; 2.5 g max acceleration; 5,500-IPM indexing speed; an autofocus cutting head with 360-degree collision avoidance; automatic gas adjustment and lubrication; and ±0.0007-in. repeatability. The C3 model features the same 5- by 10-ft. exchange tables, but a fabricated base. It offers 1.5 g max acceleration, 4,320-IPM indexing, and 0.001-in. repeatability.