Creativity unleashed


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Jan 28, 2024

Creativity unleashed

Technology is rapidly advancing, and the need for innovation has never been

Technology is rapidly advancing, and the need for innovation has never been greater.

On Monday, Feb. 27, from 5-7 p.m., the UC Ground Floor Makerspace will hold an open house inside the 1819 Innovation Hub for innovators of all ages. The collaborative workspace is equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, woodworking, soldering stations and various other tools for prototyping and fabrication.

Benjamin Jones Manager, UC Ground Floor Makerspace

The event is free and open to the public.

Visitors can:

"We're trying to build a community where people can come together and create amazing things in the Makerspace, from prototypes to small batch production. Whether you're a beginner interested in exploring 3D printing or an expert wanting to create a functional prototype for an idea, there's something for everyone," said Benjamin Jones, manager of the UC Ground Floor Makerspace.

One of the highlights of the open house will be the opportunity to connect with other makers and innovators. Visitors can post their "needs" and "haves" on the maker connection board.

Student makers also can learn more about the UC Makers Club, a registered student organization that is partnering with the Makerspace on the event.

Makerspaces have become popular venues for empowering inventors, builders, tinkerers and creators with the resources and tools for turning their ideas into reality.

Benjamin Jones Manager, UC Ground Floor Makerspace

The UC Makerspace offers free membership for UC faculty, staff and students and partners in the 1819 Innovation Hub. Certain services such as 3D printing and machining are billed at modest hourly rates.

For those not affiliated with UC, memberships are available.

Members get access to specialized equipment that might be too large or costly to own.

Other benefits include:

With its innovative tools and resources, the UC Makerspace provides a hub for creativity and innovation.

In addition to supporting the UC community as part of the Cincinnati Innovation District, the 1819 Innovation Hub offers services to corporations, small businesses and startup companies.

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